Bibu Tofu

My life in written words and the mixed up identities of bibu. So is it bibu or tofu, or is bibu a tofu? o.O..

kiwi =)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hm i am supposed to be studying now. Hahaha but i could not resist to not post this up.. this is so cute but yet kinda heart-breaking. How far would you go in order to achieve your dreams? I think i need to think about that as well. So enjoy this ya people and till then, keep bibu-ing people. Never be afraid to go all out to achieve your dreams =)

8 bibu-ers:

tim said...

im confused about the video

Anonymous said...

tim| why are you confused? hehehe..

KohJL said...

May asked me a similar question about a week ago, in more specific terms.

The question shook me to the core...

Too far, and I seem powerless to change it.

Anonymous said...

sun tzu ii| hehe i noticed that you have this kiwi video on your blog too.. hmm.. i'm not really sure what is it that you're powerless to change.. but i guess you just need to be strong and keep trying.. =) perhaps you have more power in yourself than you thought.. just need to believe i supposed =).. have a nice day sun tzu ii =)

Androeda said...

How sad...

KohJL said...

I feel powerless because I am so obsessed with getting things done, even at the expense of ignoring personal relationships.


Anonymous said...

chan| why sad?

Anonymous said...

sun tzu ii| hm.. but i think you are trying to change because you realised that your obsession are somehow jeopardizing your personal relationship.. so dont beat yourself up too much.. sometimes when you gotta do something, then you have to get it done right? im sure your loved ones and friends would understand.. or perhaps you can try to take a day off from getting things done? and then continue on the next day? hehe.. just a suggestion =)..